Home Tech 5 Ways to Increase SharePoint Adoption in your Organization

5 Ways to Increase SharePoint Adoption in your Organization

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In today’s digital world, everyone is looking to leverage the power of collaboration and information sharing to drive business value. This means that creating, storing, and sharing data has become even more important than ever. As a result, SharePoint adoption and implementing Office 365 is being widely acknowledged as one of the most transformational experiences users will have with their email, documents, and applications.

Some SharePoint adoption benefits are:

  • Reduced costs for data storage
  • Greater scalability for handling large amounts of data

Ability to take advantage of the vast array of software solutions available from Microsoft. These are just a few ways an organization can effectively adopt Office 365 in order to take advantage of its vast array of features and services.

Take advantage of data-driven decision-making

With data-driven decision-making, organizations are placing greater reliance on artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve their quality of life. AI and ML can be used to drive a number of business benefits, from personalized email campaigns to more accurate forecasting.

However, the availability of these technologies has been limited due to the need to integrate data from various sources, which has led to an inability to deliver optimal outcomes for certain departments. Data science and AI can help eliminate bottlenecks and deliver higher-value decisions with reduced business value. Data-driven decision-making is not only a way of seeing the big picture, it’s a priority for every department within an organization.

Grow your workforce with new skills

As employees increasingly realize the value of using data and analytics to build new skills, it’s important for managers to promote this. After all, employees who have easy access to data and who know how to use it will be able to deliver more value to their organizations.

 Learning management systems, sandboxed platforms, and virtual classroom environments are examples of how this can be done. This seamless experience can be further personalized with smart software solutions to help boost engagement and retention. The possibilities for a learning ecosystem are endless; organizations can even consider offering on-demand training for specific skills or certifications.

Free up on-premises resources

One of the biggest benefits of implementing Office 365 is the ability to free up on-premises resources. By implementing a cloud-first strategy, organizations can quickly realize significant savings on hardware needed to run legacy software, as well as the software licenses that come with it. This can significantly impact operations and the bottom line by making it easier to service customers, reduce support costs and free up resources for more important work. Cloud computing allows organizations to easily add functionality such as AI and ML tools.

Offer easy, one-click migrations

Easily migrating to Office 365 has become a reality with the release of the Office 365 Admin Center. Transitioning applications is a lot easier with accurate guidance on how to set up the components. The Admin Center makes it easy for an organization to manage multiple environments, including on-premises applications. This can be a tremendous timesaver for smaller organizations that may not have a dedicated IT team.

Build your in-house application ecosystem

Some organizations are building their in-house application ecosystem from the ground up. This can be a complicated endeavor as the existing applications need to be kept backward-compatible with the cloud environment. This can be challenging as it removes the advantages of the cloud, such as scalability and downtime for changing configurations. 

However, one of the biggest advantages of the cloud is the ability to rapidly scale up or down without affecting operations. By using the cloud as the backend for a hybrid environment, organizations can achieve the best of both worlds.

Bottom line

To take advantage of the power of Office 365, organizations need to work on data storage and sharing. This means that creating, storing, and sharing data has become even more important than ever. The SharePoint adoption of Office 365 is widely recognized as a transformative experience for users’ email, documents, and applications.

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