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Virtual Numbers &; Their Applications

Virtual Numbers

Virtual numbers are used by a business to manage large volumes of calls. Virtual call center solution uses cloud-based virtual numbers for inbound and outbound calls. It helps in routing incoming customer calls to the preferred agents or specific departments as per the request of the customer. A business with a virtual call center solution can easily expand its market reach in the national and international markets.

Application of Virtual Numbers by Different Industries

Virtual number is used by many industries of different sizes. It is beneficial for small businesses or startups. It helps a business to offer organized, professional services that are high in quality. Some of the popular industries that highly benefit from virtual call center solutions are:

Healthcare Industry:

A virtual call center solution offers immediate assistance in the healthcare industry. The virtual number can be used for inbound calls by customers to book appointments and enquire about services, doctors, and laboratory services. It is also used for emergency services like calling for an ambulance. Virtual numbers are used for outbound calling as well. For example, it is used for appointment confirmation, sharing laboratory results, follow-up calls, a reminder for regular checkups, vaccination reminders, etc. It is also used to share information related to healthcare insurance, packages, new services, vaccination drives, health camps, etc.

Food Industry:

Ordering online food or booking restaurants has been made easy with virtual numbers.  As ordering food online has become more comfortable and part of everyday life, with virtual numbers one can easily choose and order. Virtual numbers integrated with the IVR menu help customers to choose from many options even without talking to an agent. If needed the calls are transferred to the agents. As calls are directly routed, it reduces wait time for the customers.

Customers can book tables at restaurants without having to wait in queues. It also confirms the booking in advance and customers need not worry about finding tables at peak hours. Virtual numbers help in customer satisfaction.


The e-commerce industry is growing with great speed. Everything from any part of the world can be delivered to the customer’s doorstep. It is made further easier with a virtual number. E-commerce businesses with virtual call center solutions can handle both national and international customers. A customer can enquire about the product or service; derive all details before making a purchase. The virtual number makes communication easy and takes the business closer to the customers. It enhances engagement rate and customer satisfaction rate.

A business can also use it for online marketing of its products and services. With multiple language options, a business can offer seamless communication and high-quality service delivery. It reduces language barriers and makes the business more accessible for the customers.

Banking & Finance:

Virtual call center solutions are used by the banking and finance industry to answer large volumes of calls every minute. It reduces the manual workload of the agents. With the IVR menu, many services are done independently by the customers. It helps the industry reduce traffic, long waiting queues, and overcrowding. The inbound calls are used to address the concerns of the customers. It makes banking and finance communication easier for every age group. On the other hand, outbound calls are used to share information regarding banking benefits, insurance, loans, etc.

Benefits of Using Virtual Numbers

The use of virtual numbers helps a business track all calls. It offers in-depth insights by monitoring the end-to-end conversation. It supports a business to reach more customers with multiple language options. It helps to directly route calls while automatically recording all calls without any manual work. It also offers 24×7 support to customers. It benefits the agents by providing flexibility for remote working. it reduces the risk of privacy concerns with the number masking feature.

Virtual Number Provider

Knowlarity is a leading virtual call center solution provider. It offers multiple channel platforms with 24×7 support. A business can customize solutions according to their need and budget. Further, the solutions can be easily integrated and upgraded. The solutions are affordable for any business size, and for any industry. Knowlarity is trusted in India and also internationally. It is a reputed cloud communication solution provider.

Apart from that if you want ot know about Benefits of Toll-Free Numbers then please visit our Tech category