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Video Interview is Picking its Pace Due to Growing Remote Workforce

Video Interview

The Covid 19 pandemic worked as a trigger point for remote work, but down the line, the foundation was laid down by disruptive business trends and innovative technologies.  It has influenced every corner of the work, including human resources. Today, HR departments are focused on cost and time savings, long-term productivity, employees’ growth, etc. To some extent, remote technologies are helping human resources in meeting all these criteria. The trend of work from home is going to find its permanent place as organizations recognize the benefits of remote work, and so do video interviewing. According to Gartner, 89% of organizations are moving to virtual interviewing for recruitment post-Covid 19 outbreak.  

Although video interviewing is not a new concept, there has been a significant increase in its use after the pandemic. Employers can overcome their limitations, such as hiring candidates from any geographic location and interviewing them at any time. All credits to “video technology” that enabled organizations to leverage the potential of remote hiring.  Video interviewing software solutions have surfaced in a great way to hire remote employees effectively. But the role of technology doesn’t end with just hiring; the software solutions ensure that organizations manage all human resources-related tasks quickly and efficiently, even in a remote environment. Along with remote interviewing software, remote work software facilitates better team collaboration and enhances productivity. Even start-ups and small businesses are leveraging the benefits of remote work and improving their remote worker efficiency through free and open source remote work software.

Types of video interviewing

  • Asynchronous video interview: In the asynchronous video interview process, the recruiter records the set of questions in a video and sends the video link to the candidate.  Candidates can answer this question at their comfort and submit them within a given deadline.
  • Synchronous interview:  Synchronous interview is a traditional type of interview where a candidate gives an interview in real-time.  In this type of interview, there is human-to-human interaction, and it can be conducted over the telephone, video interviewing apps or face-to-face.

Why is a video interviewing system the best option for the remote hiring process?

  • Fast-paced hiring process:  The traditional hiring method usually takes20-40 days, depending on the position and interview rounds. There are more candidates to interview during initial screening; taking confirmation and organizing interviews consumes more time. With video interviewing software, this time can be reduced. For initial screening, an interviewer can send a video link of the pre-recorded questions and shortlist candidates for further interview based on their interview score.
  • Cost-saving:  Employers often bear the traveling costs for the candidates they call for the interview. By using video interviewing software, they don’t have to call all the candidates for the interview, at least for the initial screening test. Thus it saves a lot of money for the interviewer.
  • Space and logistics limitation:  Sometimes, the employer does not have enough space and amenities to interview the candidates in bulk.  In such a situation, the video interview tool can turn out as a helpful tool; they can ask candidates to appear for an interview from their place itself.
  • Quality hiring: Video interviews enable quick and real-time evaluation of the candidates, and give their feedback. It helps the organization to hire the best candidate.
  • No geographic boundaries:  With a video interview, the employer can reach candidates beyond geographic boundaries. They can remotely hire candidates and increase their spectrum for quality hire.
  • Simplify questions:  Video interview allows interviewers to present their questions in a more simplified way. They can include multimedia or images with the questions to make the interview interactive and simple.
  • Eliminate stress from candidates:  Some candidates are technically sound but often become nervous during face-to-face interviews and do not perform well.  For such candidates, video interviewing can eliminate the stress of face-to-face, at the company interviews.

Tips to Conduct an Efficient video Interview

  • Introduce your company culture: Before conducting an interview, you can give employees a brief tour of the company’s culture and mission. You can share a link to short videos about the company’s culture or share pictures of important events along with interview questions. You can even customize the interview question template by inserting the company’s logo or motto on it.
  • Stay flexible: For your organization, if taking a live interview is not possible due to time constraints and lack of resources. In such a scenario, you can ask candidates for pre-recorded interviews.
  • Check for additional support: While conducting video interviews, make sure that all the supportive equipment is available and in good shape. Also, see if the video interviewing software requires a third-party tool to improve the interview experience.
  • Keep employee information on screen: Keep the candidate’s resume or any information from the previous conversation in front of you while conducting a video interview. Video interviewing software allows you to keep resumes or essential notes about the candidates alongside the video screen.
  • Let candidates book their interview slots: Give candidates the flexibility to select the interview slot through video interview software. Once the interview slot is reserved, both you and the candidate will receive notifications.
  • Automate reminders: Since candidates may have applied at numerous companies, there is a good possibility that they can forget the video interview date. The best way is to send an automatic reminder for the video interview.
  • Make video interviews interactive: Usually, a technical interview requires working on data and images. Support your video interview with all supportive data and pictures needed to answer the questions.  You can even screen share data or images with the candidates. 

In short, investing in a video making software or video editing software or a HR software that supports the video communication facility can be the right choice to start your video interview process.

What are the features one should consider in video interviewing software?

  • Accessible on any device
  • Asynchronous interview
  • Rate and comment on the interview
  • Track candidate’s interview progress
  • Automated scheduling
  • Robust customer support and training
  • Share interviews with other members
  • Data analytics
  • Recruiting chatbots
  • Custom branding
  • Third-party tool integration
  • Automatic reminders
  • Meet regulatory compliance
  • Custom intro and outro videos


While the world is witnessing unprecedented growth in businesses due to online business trends, business leaders are pushing their limits to further increase their share in a global economy.  They are adopting the latest technologies and reforming their working models to bring the product to the market faster. The outcome of this strategic thinking is engaging talented employees around the globe through remote work.  With the rise in remote working, there is also a high demand for supporting tools such as HR software and video interview software.  This software enables HR professionals to expand their talent pool and reduce hiring costs.  With remote work becoming a reality, video interviewing software tools are no more optional.  It gives digital access to the most valuable assets of your organization, and investing early in the latest technologies could make a huge difference in building a flourishing business.

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