Home Daily Bites The Fiber used to make Bomb Blanket: Kevlar Aramid

The Fiber used to make Bomb Blanket: Kevlar Aramid

Bomb Blanket

Have you ever seen a bomb blanket or any other defense tool at work? These protective gears are made from kevlar aramid fiber, which gives these defensive materials their sturdiness. In this blog, we’ll learn about kevlar and the attributes that make them strong enough to stop a bullet.

What is Kevlar fiber?

The material Kevlar is incredibly strong. Kevlar has an amazing tensile strength due to the method the Fiber is made, which involves inter-chain links (picture microscopic woven fibers) and cross-linked hydrogen bonds that stick to these chains (imagine minuscule threads that span over the surface of those woven fibers, creating a mesh). In fact, tensile strength tests show that Kevlar is more than ten times stronger than steel, pound for pound. Excellent heat resistance, flexibility, ballistic resistance, and cut/puncture resistance are other qualities of Kevlar.

Properties of Kevlar

Tensile Strength

The maximum amount of stress a material can reach before breaking apart when tugged is known as tensile strength. Tensile strength ratings are used to indicate how much weight a rope can support before snapping. For example, the observed tensile strength of Kevlar is around 3,620 megapascals, while that of nylon is approximately 75 megapascals.

Heat resistant

Excessive cold doesn’t cause Kevlar to lose much strength, and extreme heat doesn’t cause it to lose strength either. This quality makes Kevlar the perfect substance for gloves, work garments, and other types of flame-resistant apparel. In addition, kevlar is the perfect material for personal protective equipment required in production situations where heat might be a concern because it can protect against thermal hazards up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit.


Kevlar, a fibrous fiber, enables producers to make both flexible and durable goods. Kevlar can be cut and shaped into form-fitting shapes, making it perfect for use in garments. Workers in a variety of industries don’t have to give up dexterity in order to be protected while on the job, thanks to Kevlar PPE, which still allows for a remarkable range of motion and doesn’t weigh them down. Kevlar is ideal for gloves, protective clothing, and more.

Ballistic protection

Kevlar is the perfect material for ballistic blanket since its fibers are very difficult to break. In addition, Kevlar’s linked chain fibers absorb high-velocity impacts rather than allowing a projectile to pass through it. Kevlar is perfect for body armor and vests in the military and police because of this characteristic. The current Kevlar varieties produced by DuPont include XP and XD Kevlar, which are intended to be used as ballistics materials. These materials can be layered and constructed as needed to improve their protective properties, weight, or flexibility. They also offer even greater strength against ballistics.

Puncture resistance

Kevlar’s fibers are chain links, making it difficult to cut or puncture. Thus, military and law enforcement people are better protected in difficult situations. In addition, kevlar is a great material for a variety of gloves since it can withstand the abrasive materials that employees handle on the job. For instance, machinists won’t be concerned about hurting their hands when removing metal shavings from a production machine.

How is Kevlar used in Bomb blankets?

The kevlar fiber is inserted between the ballistic blanket to make it stronger and resilient to damage caused by explosions. The kevlar is placed within and then covered with water and dustproof cover. These things make ballistic blankets safe and reliable to be used in difficult situations.

So, if you are a law enforcement professional or a civilian concerned for their safety, you can buy the bomb blanket from an online or offline defense store without any legal issues.

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