Home Home Improvement The Best Outdoor Hanging Plants

The Best Outdoor Hanging Plants

Outdoor Hanging Plants

There are several different types of outdoor hanging plants to choose from. There are some very hearty and tough plants that will thrive in almost any condition. For example, lantana can thrive in hot, sunny areas during the summer. Its clusters of colorful flowers will attract hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Another great feature of this plant is that it requires almost no watering. These are the best plants for hanging outside on porches and decks.

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One of the best outdoor hanging plants, petunias are a classic garden flower with an endless variety of colors and shapes. Choose trailing varieties or grandifloras for a colorful display. They prefer full sun and need frequent watering and fertilizer every two to three weeks. You can also choose fragrant white petunias for an evening display. Petunias also attract hummingbirds and are best for bright windows and balconies.

The petunia family includes more than 400 species. This allows you to find a plant to suit any garden design. Petunias are one of the best outdoor hanging plants, with their vibrant colors and patterns and easy care. Petunias are also versatile, as you can choose between trailing and standard varieties. If you want a trailing plant, choose a trailing petunia, such as the’string of pearls’ variety. The’string of pearls’ trailing plant has small, spherical leaves and is a great accent to other trailing blooming plants.


If you’re looking for an attractive way to hang plants, ferns are a great choice. The classic coir-lined hanging baskets look elegant and stylish. You can also use an epiphytic variety like the Macho Fern, which grows up to 6 feet wide. Ferns like bright, indirect light and a high humidity level. You can plant this fern on wood or a basket, but it prefers the brightest light.

Dallas ferns, which are popular indoors and outdoors, need bright indirect light, plenty of moisture, and a well-drained soil. They’re prone to wilt in direct sunlight, so mist them frequently to prevent wilting. Ferns’ rhizomes tend to dangle over the side of the pot and can be grown in hanging baskets or containers.


If you’re in the market for an attractive and vibrant hanging plants, the best choice is the begonia. Begonias are traditional outdoor hanging plant favorites with bright blooms that will stay on your hanging basket throughout the summer. Begonias need moderate amounts of water but should not get their leaves wet. Begonias like partial sun to partial shade. For best flowering results, give begonias a weekly high-potassium feed. A tomato fertilizer works nicely for begonias.

Some of the best varieties for hanging baskets are the Tuberous Begonia and the Coleus. Begonias are known for their stunning flowers and have many varieties to choose from. These plants grow from bulb-like tubers and have large, ruffled flowers. Depending on their variety, they may be large, open, or delicate. Begonias come in various shades of green and other colors and have attractive patterns that can complement the decor of any space.


If you want to create a stunning outdoor display, consider placing Impatiens outdoor hanging plants. These plants have bright flat-leafed blooms and require little to no maintenance. They grow well in hanging baskets because they are kept out of the ground, where they may suffer from mildew. Impatiens are low-maintenance and require moderate sunlight to thrive. Impatiens can be found in many colors and do not require too much water.

When planting your impatiens outdoor hanging plant, select a sunny location that provides indirect light. They prefer temperatures between 68 and 85 degrees, but they will need more water if the temperature is more than 85 degrees. They should be fed with water-soluble fertilizer at least once a week. In addition, you can move them to lower-lighting conditions if you notice that they’re getting too hot or too cold.


Plants of the Nemesia genus look like miniature orchids, lobelia, and snapdragons. These plants bloom profusely, even in partial shade, and their flowers can obscure neighboring foliage. They are relatively drought tolerant and do not require frequent watering. They can grow in poor soil. But keep an eye on them! They can easily overtake flowerbeds if not cared for properly.

Nemesia is a genus of annuals, perennials, and subshrubs native to the African continent. They are hardy in zones two to 10 and require partial to full sun. Planting in the spring before the last frost date is best. In warm-weather climates, it can be directly seeded in the fall. Unlike some other flowering plants, this type of Nemesia does not tolerate transplanting, so it is best to start it at least seven to eight weeks in advance of your last frost date. Nemesias are perennials, so it is not necessary to prune them to keep them looking healthy.

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