Home Tech Progressive Web Apps: Are They Worth Your Money and Time?

Progressive Web Apps: Are They Worth Your Money and Time?

Progressive Web Apps

Tasting success in business nowadays is not easy. Right? There were good old days when having a simple website was more than enough to engage customers digitally. But, things are never constant.

Time has changed. Today’s business world demands a lot. A polished app for your digital business is not a luxury anymore. It’s a necessity. But, developing separate Android and iOS apps generally cost a lot. 

And, then we arrived at the year 2015. Google presented a fresh idea that the world didn’t think about before. The main object of the initiation was to deliver an immense user experience across all mobile devices. The developers intended to exclude the requirement of installing the native mobile app.

That new concept was introduced to the world as a Progressive web app, in short PWA. It was apparent even at the beginning that PWA would be the hot topic of global discussion for the subsequent few decades. Now, what are the experts thinking about that? Is it all about advantages? Should the startup owner like you go for it? Get your coffee cup ready, and let’s have a discussion!

What Is a PWA?

These are the improved version of web apps. You can say progressive web apps are the latest examples of modern technology. It gives the users the feel and functionality of an original native app. Even maximum times, the progressive web apps perform so well that you won’t understand that you are using a web-based app. It is considered the best benefit of a progressive web app.

What Are Some Examples of Progressive Web Apps?

Well, the names might surprise you. Some of the largest and most vital digital busi8nesses in the world have used PWA to deliver their service. Let’sLet’s have a look at the well-known PWA examples.


Pinterest reduced its storage requirements from 143.1 MB to 1.4 MB. they introduced Pinterest Lite. It is a fantastic alternative to the Pinterest native mobile app.


Uber is providing a remarkable native experience in a super-lightweight progressive web app. The customers can enter quick ride requests on that PWA regardless of device, network speed, and location.


Twitter offers a similar feat that comes with many exotic features such as much lower data usage, instant loading, and more user engagement from the people who weren’t using Twitter from their mobile.


Tinder introduced the MVP of their PWA. The coders aimed to reduce the data investment expense by up to 90% while providing the core Tinder experience to its users. Moreover, the user experience is also enhanced in the progressive web app.


The renowned music app has developed a complete app interface experience. It lives in the browser. The users get all the functionalities here, and they don’t have to install anything. Spotify is actually a web page. Still, it looks like an app. 

Advantages of Using Progressive Web Apps

A progressive web app always comes with its quirks. Everything on the earth does the same. So, you can’t expect that your PWA will be perfect for every use case. But, there are some places where the apps can be the ideal fit. It will work as a really robust form factor. Here are the benefits:

Building the App Development Team Is Easy

Well, this is not something you can’t guess. Your web app development team should work smoothly whatever you build, native or web app. Right? Along with that, choosing the ideal developer who will fit your requirement is not easy. Or… is it?

The reality is- building a web development team is more accessible than gathering a team of native app developers. So, the period to develop a web app team and complete the app is ultimately shorter than native ones.

Works on Mobile and Desktop

Are you trying to build a common platform for several apps? Then you know how challenging it is. Every operating system has it’s unique way. So, it demands different web developers with diverse expertise and experience. 

The resources can be used on a single build with a progressive web app. The reason is- you got only one thing to maintain here. You don’t have to split between your resources and personnel.

You can hire mobile app developers from India as per the requirements and save your time and cost.

It Needs a Little Storage Space

Progressive web apps are generally minimal in size. So users can load them faster. It takes a small place and less memory to run. The data is caught in the background when you interact with a site.

If your customers are concerned about hard drive constraints, then this characteristic will win their hearts. PWA is a fantastic alternative that is lightweight and easy to download.

Works Offline Equally

Are you in a place where the internet is not working? Then don’t worry; the progressive web apps can run without an active network connection. And the credit goes to the caught data that the apps store in the browser. So, the users can interact with the application even when they are not online. The thing is- it will not perform anyhow less than a native app this way. 

Wrapping Up

It’s clear as daylight that PWA’s incredible advantages make them a fantastic alternative to developing a mobile native app. These are quicker to build, cheaper in price, and faster to download. Nowadays, you can even add them to your smartphone’s home screen. So, technically, there is no difference between a native app and a PWA except for the progressive web apps’ benefits. So, we can conclude by saying: the world is now progressing with progressive web apps.

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