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How to Create SEO-Friendly Blogs That Get Traffic


After running a blog for months with no tangible, visible results, you may close it out of frustration. Blogs take time to pick up because getting qualified search traffic is no walk in the park. You’ve read from multiple blogs and websites that content is the king. However, never forget that it’s not the basic blog posts and articles that they are talking about. The content that is king is SEO-optimized, plagiarism-free, and high-converting blogs that get traffic.

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

Keywords are key in every content creation and marketing campaign. Ranking for the ideal keywords supercharges your website traffic. Conduct research to find what your target market is looking for and what queries and keywords they are using. Then you can build content around those keywords and include them in your content. Integrate the keywords into your SEO-optimized blog title and ensure the following content is relevant to the topic. In searching for keywords, focus on meeting user intent and needs. Keyword researching requires you to search for terms relevant to your blog and gauge what you rank for in the industry.

Linking to external or internal pages removes the blandness of your content. They add a sense of dignity to your content by expounding on complex ideas and explaining technical references. Internal links, which are links that point to other web pages on your website, help Google understand your site map better as it is showing how the content on your site is related. That ensures the visitors spend more time on your website, increasing the relevance of the interlinked pages. Links to external posts and pages help enlighten your web visitors about the subject. Linking to authoritative websites enables search engines to cognize your niche while making your website look more trustworthy.

Add Relevant Headings and Subheadings

A full block of content with no headings or subheadings will appear extremely hard to read on the Hemingway app and Grammarly. Readers will even find it hard to comprehend the message of the content. Therefore, very few people will stay around to read such a text to the last word. When the content is not read, it can negatively affect the ranking and traffic of your website. Make your content readable by subdividing it with relevant headings and subheadings. Make sure you format and structure your content properly for better readability.

Flower and Water Your Content

People are tired of seeing and reading content following the same formats and structures. They are tired of reading bland content that has no reinforcements and addictions. Although long-form content doesn’t sell a lot, it generates high traffic and leads when properly formatted and reinforced. You want to flower your content with images, multiple sections, and detailed segmentations. Use keywords correctly and never make the mistake of keyword-stuffing or adding irrelevant images to the content. To ensure your old content keeps generating traffic and leads, you have to update it regularly.

Advanced WordPress training gets you to master the art of optimizing your WordPress website for SEO. Training from a qualified WordPress website developer will give you a clue about what you need to do to make your website stand out. However, putting the training into practice may seem challenging, especially for content marketers. Realize the relevance of WordPress to your business and what topics and subjects to write about to make your website rank high. Only write on topics you’re conversant with, and avoid filling your website with junk content.

Add a Table of Content

Introductions and conclusions are vital sections in high-quality, SEO-optimized content. They give you better ideas of what the content is all about. However, they don’t offer detailed introductions to the content as a table of contents does. A table of content introduces you to the sections, keyword density, readability, and content type being discussed. They also lay out a map for the headings and subheadings of your subsections like chapter titles in a book. They even allow readers to jump through the subtitles to read the content they find interesting.

Start Creating SEO-Friendly Content

Creating content for your blog or website needs you to understand certain fundamental aspects. Whether you focus on the reader or the search engines, you must make the content readable and high-quality. Avoid creating content around favorite topics that your competitors have written on for years. You’ll rarely rank for such content unless you’re exceptionally good at what you do.

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