Home Education Essential skills kids should learn

Essential skills kids should learn

Private School

Kids must acquire knowledge outside of the classroom. Additionally, enrolling children in a variety of activity classes is insufficient; if your child cannot care for themselves. 

Choosing the right curriculum for your child is essential, as it guides their educational and social development and provides the springboard for their future. The private schools in Dubai, like Global Indian International School, have an educational framework called 9Gems that endeavours to create well-rounded individuals who can successfully tackle any challenges in the future. This article identified the ten most potent life skills children need to learn to satisfy their curious minds and become successful independent learners.

  1. Time Management

Encourage your child to take ownership of their time. Instead of waking them up, get them an alarm clock to go to school on time. Permit them to schedule their academic and extracurricular activities.

  1. Organization Skills

Making your child’s routines enjoyable will help your child develop organizational abilities. Introduce checklists, create a homework schedule, buy your child a kid-friendly planner, and assign tasks that demand organization are a few things you can do to get started.

  1. Problem Solving

When your child comes to you with a problem, take advantage of the chance to help them learn how to solve it. Encourage them to consider the matter from the opposing party’s viewpoint. Then, help them devise three or more solutions to their issue. You can help them with their brainstorming. Once the solutions are prepared, debate the advantages and disadvantages of each to choose which is best. Also, You should also know about what kindergarten starters are. 

  1. Self-Defence

Safety is essential in today’s environment, and teaching a child self-defence skills helps them feel more autonomous and confident. Therefore, self-defence is a must for your child. Nowadays, most schools spend money instructing kids in the fundamentals of self-defence.

  1. First-Aid and Health Importance

Teach your child the fundamentals of first aid. Display the contents of the first-aid kit to them. Reiterate the value of health and how they should also take care of it. For instance, instead of making your child eat veggies, explain the health concerns of consuming fast food frequently and the advantages of maintaining a balanced diet.

  1. Taking Challenges

Your child can become resilient by overcoming difficulties, recovering from setbacks, and never giving up. Create a safe setting that is balanced enough to inspire your youngster to attempt new activities, like riding a bike.

  1. Communication

Effective communication is a crucial life skill. Encourage your youngster to start the conversation or participate in it as often as possible. Always give your child your undivided attention. By adding humour to your communication, you may make it more enjoyable. Make it a routine to sit down and read with your child.

  1. Environmental Awareness

Teach your child the value of sustainability and the environment. Help them comprehend the importance of protecting the environment and the simple changes they can make to their lifestyles. Engage children in a few environmentally beneficial hobbies, such as gardening and taking care of plants.

  1. Independence

Make your youngster perform independent tasks. For instance, making their beds, packing their lunches, and packing their school bags.

  1. Simple Cooking

Start by learning to create something basic, like a butter and jam sandwich. Squeezing lemons, combining chopped veggies to form a salad, preparing an omelette, assisting you with ingredients while baking a cake, and setting the table are some additional cooking skills you can teach your child.


Your child’s life skill education cannot end with the exposure they receive in school. A youngster needs to be taught at home through experiences and training activities to understand its relevance. Since a child’s brain develops at its fastest rate throughout the first five years of life, taking advantage of this period is essential to lay the groundwork for encouraging a child’s imaginative and creative thinking. Hence, schools encourage children to observe, think and wonder when they are kindergarten starters.

Let us concentrate on educating our kids in a way they enjoy and find amusing so we can stop worrying about their morality and abilities.