Home Education 5 Things You Must Avoid When Writing First Draft of Research Paper 

5 Things You Must Avoid When Writing First Draft of Research Paper 

Draft of Research Paper

Academic life is full of challenges, and students must remain 24/7 hours ready to face them effectively. There is a long list of tasks, assignments, and research-related work that almost every student has to cope with. Dissertation writing seems daunting as extensive numbers of words need to be completed for a dissertation. However, the situation goes worst at the next stage (after completing the dissertation); you are asked to make the first draft of research paper based on a dissertation’s findings. Completely different types of techniques are required to make dissertations and research papers which may lead to a number of mistakes in research articles. Thus, this article will discuss the five important that research paper writers must avoid.

  Common mistakes in writing a final draft of research paper:

The basic difference between dissertation and research paper is the word limit. The dissertation needs extensive words (10,000 to 20,000 words), while the research paper demands only the highlight of a dissertation or research work (often limited between 6000 to 8000 words). Weak interpretation, improper word selection, the illogical flow of information, and slightly irrelevant information are somewhat acceptable in dissertations. However, research papers are literacy manuscripts that are drafted for publishing in any reputed Journal. Thus, reliability, accuracy, and fluency in information cannot be neglected in research papers for smooth publications. Apart from all, a dissertation and research paper also differs from each other based on the style of addressing a research problem. Thus, the following are some mistakes that the first draft of research paper writer must know to avoid accordingly.

1. Selecting a too vague research topic:

As explained earlier, research papers must be short and concise. To keep it brief, the researcher must not choose a topic specifying multiple problems at one time. For stating different problems, one can write multiple papers instead of stuffing all the data in one. In fact, if you addressed more than one problem in your dissertation, you can draft different research papers for publishing each. Stating all in one paper may not only confuse readers, but you may also have to encounter many structuring and publishing problems. Thus, it is better to select a topic that is short, focused, and note-worthy for the committee. Apart from all, if you face problems in defining the fine line between too broad and too narrow titles, you can get research paper help from supervisors or research associates.

2. Make a draft without getting Journal’s guidance:

Mostly, when students are asked to write the first draft of research paper, they come up with a copy of the dissertation containing all five sections with all necessary and unnecessary details. It is another mistake that seems offensive to the majority of the supervisors. Instead, even when you are making the first draft of research paper, you still need to first select a Journal for publication. It is the Journal that decides what your paper will look like.

The Journal’s author guide includes all major and minor details about the drafting and publishing process. How many words must each section of the paper contain? How many sections must a paper contain? Which things need to be avoided strictly? How much does it cost to publish a paper in renowned journals? The answer to these and many other questions, if raised in mind at any stage of writing a research paper, research article Journal’s author guide contains all vital information to solve the query.

3. The weak connection between the topic sentences and supporting details:

The reviewing process of the dissertation is greatly different from that of a research paper. A thesis statement is extremely important for maintaining the flow of information in both. But the reviewers of a research paper are more sensitive to good writing standards; thus, the thesis statement for a research paper must be specific, precise, forceful, and confident. A vague and poorly drafted thesis statement is one of the remarkable reasons behind revisions (often sent to authors on behalf of a selected Journal).

Avoiding thesis statement-related mistakes, one can also avoid other mistakes like the weak connection between the topic sentences and supporting details. A good thesis statement always helps researchers generate good ideas, and good research helps in finding the best evidence to support them. Suppose a good idea is supported by good evidence or supporting details. In that case, the quality of the content or the paper increases many folds, which may lead you towards a smooth publication process.

4. Long and poorly structured sentences:

Too many words in a sentence make unnecessarily long sentences that, in turn, make your writing vague. Good clarity, engagement, and comprehensibility, like other academic writing, are also important to research paper writing. These are not the long sentences that can help you in bringing all these qualities to your writing; rather, it is the short sentences that can help you in doing so. Additionally, long sentences also make a manuscript dull and the reader exhausted. Short sentences, simple vocabulary, and fluency in writing aim to make your first draft of research paper reader-friendly by avoiding spelling and grammatical mistakes.

5. Conclusions raising new issues instead of summarising the given study:

The conclusion is the last part of a research paper. It is the place that suggests readers wrap up the discussion. The researcher must summarise all the findings of the research discussed so far in this section. The conclusion must give final views about the problem so readers can also come to certain inferences after reading the research. The common mistakes that researchers often do are that they introduce new concepts in conclusion that, instead of summing the discussion, put readers into new ambiguities. Moreover, if you really want your reader to think more about the situation, you can write additional points of discussion under the head of future perspectives right after the conclusion.

Final thoughts:

Mistakes have the power to turn you into a better version of yourself. Committing mistakes, especially while writing the first draft of research paper, must not embarrass you. However, finding mistakes and deliberately avoiding them are two ways to become a good author. All in all, the article has highlighted five common mistakes that may help you in gaining confidence in your research paper practices. By avoiding these mistakes, one can become a better version of him, not by learning from mistakes but by knowing ways to avoid them.

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