Home Education What Makes GIIS One of the Best CBSE Schools in Ahmedabad, Gujarat? 

What Makes GIIS One of the Best CBSE Schools in Ahmedabad, Gujarat? 

Best CBSE School

One of the western Indian cities with the quickest growth is Ahmedabad. Tall skyscrapers are being built, new stores and cafes are being developed, and other signs of this rapid speed of growth can be found. Many parents who have searched the city for suitable schools for their children, however, would concur that one way to see Ahmedabad’s development is to look at how its educational institutions have developed over the years. Continue reading about the best cbse schools Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad high schools continue to adhere to and believe in the traditional teaching methods in many regions of our nation. These techniques may have been successful in the past, but by alone, they cannot significantly advance your child’s growth and development. Students today require a diverse education that will prepare them for the demands of modern life.

How does the educational framework at Global Indian International School (GIIS) guarantee the optimum educational experience?

The 9 GEMS holistic educational framework is used at the Global Indian International School (GIIS) in Ahmedabad. One of the best educational frameworks available today was created by the GIIS organisation through many hours of labour and thorough investigation.

The 9GEMS framework focuses on 9 areas of growth that are seen to be crucial for students in the modern world. Every student who attends the acclaimed GIIS institute experiences comprehensive development as a result of these nine areas of development working together. Additionally, this framework presents many educational activities that support a student’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development.

Children between the ages of 13 and 15 may apply to Ahmedabad high school, which offers the CBSE board of education to its high-school students. Students can participate in contests and other national exams because the CBSE is a centralised board of education. Since the beginning of this institution, GIIS has been able to create the greatest outcomes in the nation with its Montessori plus programme.

What makes GIIS Ahmedabad’s top high school?

As was already noted, GIIS has achieved the best results in the nation with its 9GEMS comprehensive framework. This was made possible by the GIIS staff and members’ considerable research and labour of love. This study turned out to be a trailblazing attempt to comprehend the genuine nature of contemporary schooling.

Today’s students must overcome several novel obstacles as they develop. The best CBSE schools in Ahmedabad that are aware of the nature of these difficulties can support students in overcoming them with confidence with the help of knowledgeable and experienced teachers. Focus is placed on GIIS Ahmedabad’s students’ preparation for an improved future. This school places equal emphasis on sports and physical growth, skill development, personality development, and other things besides textbooks.

NextGen campus at GIIS Ahmedabad

Utilizing contemporary resources is one of the fundamental components of current schooling. Traditional teaching strategies relied solely on teachers, who were required to convey challenging material without the use of visual aids. With the use of recently developed tools and gadgets, teachers can now more effectively convey topics.

Every student at GIIS Ahmedabad has adequate room to flourish on its wide campus, which is one of the school’s most notable features. This campus’ hallways and classrooms have the most cutting-edge technology placed in them, which is occasionally employed by the instructors to better aid the students. These tools help students learn concepts by providing visual aid, and they also stimulate their interest in their subjects while also enhancing their creativity.

The NextGen Campus of GIIS Ahmedabad also houses a large number of laboratories, courts, and sports facilities. The sports and laboratory equipment are of the finest quality. This is done with the intention of enhancing their physical well-being and inspiring experimentation-based learning in children. Ahmedabad high school students can learn about and experience their subjects in a practical way through appropriate and supervised experimentation.

A group of compassionate experts work for GIIS

At GIIS Ahmedabad, instructors are a group of highly qualified experts that offer years of experience to the classroom. As they attempt to impart an all-round development in the students, these teachers put the comprehensive 9 GEMS framework of GIIS into practice. The experience that teachers contribute greatly benefits students as well. As they develop, students deal with a wide range of issues. These teachers are aware of the most effective ways to resolve any issue, whether it be a conflict with friends or an academic one. Students who have a clearer head can perform well in tests and other situations.

Scholarships and other initiatives are offered by GIIS

At GIIS, the 9 GEMS comprehensive framework also aims to simplify parents’ and students’ lives. The GIIS Ahmedabad has created a number of initiatives and scholarships that provide every student an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and to receive something beneficial for their diligence in order to make learning truly seem like being at home. This encourages the students to advance their knowledge and abilities, which in turn makes their future more promising and secure.


Being an international institution, GIIS has demonstrated that it has the most effective educational system in a wide range of nations. From the streets of India to Abu Dhabi and Singapore, GIIS has made a name for itself as the leader in innovative and advanced education. Children who were entrusted to GIIS’ care underwent a holistic growth under the supervision of their parents. After graduating from GIIS, students frequently discover that a wide range of opportunities are available to them. Because of the hands-on training they receive at GIIS, they will be valuable employees for any future company. 

By ensuring that they receive the education that is most appropriate for them, GIIS prepares the students for a better tomorrow. At GIIS, students experience a sense of ease that encourages them to study with all of their heart and passion. Students that are motivated are more likely to devote more time and effort to their studies, which is reflected in their performance.

Apart from this if you are interested to know about Accreditation Is Important When Choosing A School then visit our EDUCATION category.