Home Digital Marketing Website Optimization Tools to Set Your Website Perfect Rank Better

Website Optimization Tools to Set Your Website Perfect Rank Better

Website Optimization Tools

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is known as one of the hardest parts while running and managing a website. Its reason is that Google and other search engines are changing their algorithms constantly. Therefore, if you want to outpace the competition, you will have to keep in mind the latest SEO developments. Lots of website optimization Tools are available to tackle the SEO of your website. By using these tools, you can easily gather enough data and you can also use this data to improve the SEO of your website. Here, a Dissertation Writers UK company will discuss some essential website optimization tools to improve the ranking of your website.

Google Search Console:

Google Search Console provides you with a set of services that are helpful for Google to view your website. Google Search Console also provides a wide array of free tools to optimize the SEO of your website. For example, with the help of Google Search Console, you can easily find out the crawling errors and by fixing these errors, you can improve the ranking of your website. By using Google Search Console, you can monitor your website, you can track the most searchable keywords, you can monitor backlinks of your website, you will get alerts of the malware attacks on your website and you can also submit the URLs of your website for fast indexing. Moreover, you can also update robots.txt files of your website by using Google Search Console. It is a product of Google and you can use this tool free of cost.


SEMrush is a keyword research tool and with the help of this tool, you can get an idea of how many people are searching a specific term on Google and other search engines. By using SEMrush, you can also get information about the relevant keywords, relevant ads and product listings. Along with providing enough information about the keywords, this essential tool can also provide you with enough information about the SEO strategies of your competitors. By using SEMrush tool, you can get an idea about the value of the specific research queries, you can check the targeted keywords of your competitors, you can check backlinks of your competitors and you can also get information about the media ads of your competitor. This is a premium tool but after signing up on this account, you can get 10 results free per day.


BuzzStream is a collection of tools that you can use to enhance the ranking of your website. You can easily use this essential tool to do an SEO audit of your website, to research your competitors and to get an idea about the content of the competitors. Some essential features of this tool are that you can research your competitors based on targeted keywords, you can get enough data about the domain authority and age of the websites, you can find out the ranking of your competitors in the SERPs, you can locate the social media accounts of your competitors and you can also find out the authors who are writing content for your competitor’s website. It is a paid tool and its starting package is $21 per month.

Moz Pro:

It is a suite of the SEO website optimization tools and by using its SEO tools, you can easily tackle the SEO of your website by using its data-driven approach. When you research a specific keyword in the Moz Pro, it will show you the difficulty score of this keyword. It means that it will provide you with an idea of how challenging is it to you to get a better position in the search results against this keyword. You can also get an idea about the search volume of this keyword. Some essential features of this tool are that you can get an idea about the competition of the targeted words, you can get suggestions on the targeted keywords, you can investigate the SEO strategies of your competitors, you can use Chrome Extension of this tool to directly analyze a website without visiting their website and you can get a suggestion on the on-page SEO of your website. Moz Pro is also a paid tool but you can use its 30 days free plan. After using its 30 days the free plan, if you think that this is the best software for the optimization of your website, you can buy its paid plan. You can use its paid plan for $99 per month. Along with these tools, you can also use some other tools like Linkody, Ontolo, Hubspot Website Grader and Google AdWords Keywords Planner for the optimization of your website.

Apart from that if you want to know about CMS-Based Websites then please visit our Digital Marketing category