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Top 12 Content Marketing Statistics You Should know to see your business grow

Marketing Statistics

Standing in 2022, content marketing has become very important. However, it is in a state of flux. With everything changing, from content types, content consumption, distribution platform, and more, analyzing data to understand what’s working and what’s not gives you a better perspective.

Data is crucial for your business growth. With data, you will know beforehand about several things, so you don’t have to spend time figuring them out yourself.

Here are the top 12 content marketing statistics that will help you with the same. In addition, the leading content marketing agency in India keep these stats in mind.

Around 35% of organizations don’t invest in content marketing

Surprisingly, 35% of companies don’t realize the need to invest in content marketing teams; this is especially true for small companies with less than a hundred employees. For example, around 50% of small companies don’t invest in content marketing. On the contrary, 40% of big companies hire two to five employees to manage their content. 

84% of the businesses work according to a content marketing strategy

A survey was conducted in which 1500+ marketing agencies, including content marketing agencies in India, were asked if they have a content strategy. Most of them, around 84%, replied positively. However, only 11% of this 84% of companies admitted that they have an excellent content strategy. 

Every 3 out of 4 B2C marketers believe that they receive maximum success because of their content marketing

A survey was conducted where 3 out of 4 B2C marketers believed that content marketing alone was the key to their massive or moderate success. Furthermore, 5% of the participants reported seeing miraculous success, whereas 46% were moderately successful.

74% of companies generate quality leads through a content marketing strategy

Your brand’s presence in the digital and offline space is essential to make people aware of your existence. Quality content helps build your brand’s brilliant brand presence, which can generate quality leads.

Content marketing is expected to snowball from 2021 to 2025

With so many businesses witnessing positive results due to content marketing, it’s known that content marketing will boom in recent years and bring huge success and positive changes for brands.  

Consumers like more interactive content than ads

Consumers love content woven with empathy and resonating with their pain points. They feel heard, which is why you must make emotional ads rather than ads that are only meant for generating sales. 

A lot of people today are going through digital fatigue

People are tired of the kind of content that is put out on the internet. Therefore, your content marketing strategy should study the emotions of these people and come up with content they would actually enjoy. 

50% of the marketers say that their striving for perfection is the biggest hurdle to success

Most marketers have reported that they desire perfection in marketing strategy. But unfortunately, that is why most of them, nearly 40%, have not executed their content strategy.

79% of B2B marketers always prefer having their content strategy in place

Due to the pandemic, around 79% of marketers prefer having their content strategy in place. That’s the only way they think they can generate sales. As a result, even digital marketing company services have been focusing more on content marketing.

78% of B2B clients buy from businesses that have a content strategy

Content builds up the like and trust factor, which plays a vital role while making any purchase. Hence, most of the buyer’s decisions are influenced by the company’s brand presence, which is, in turn, shaped by content marketing. 

There are currently 600 million blogs as on 2022

Currently, there are 600 million blogs, which implies the extent to which blog content is shared. As a result, blogging has become an integral part of content marketing that generates leads and sales. 

71% of users reported reading a blog before making a purchase

71% of users stated that they read a blog, got motivated to buy, and then only made a purchase. This is why content marketing through blogs is as important as ever.


Many content marketing agencies in India have analyzed these stats and taken action accordingly. In addition, most digital marketing company services also focus on changing their strategies according to the changing statistics. So, you must stay updated and build your strategy accordingly.

Author Bio: – Rudra Kumar is an Assistant General Manager of search operations at Techmagnate with more than 10+ years of experience in search engine optimisation. He has helped many businesses in growing revenue via search engines of his strengths.

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