Home Digital Marketing Top 10 Email Marketing Metrics You Need to Pay Attention to

Top 10 Email Marketing Metrics You Need to Pay Attention to

Top 10 Email Marketing Metrics You Need to Pay Attention to

Well, I know you are probably an expert in email marketing, but do you really know the top 10 Email Marketing Metrics you need to pay attention to?

For most people, email marketing is difficult and for those who have conquered it, understanding the Metrics which are KPIs that track an overwhelming lot, like rates of total or overall ROI, bounce, conversion, click-through, forwarding and lots more can be the next level stress.

So, get ready, in this article, we will lead you on a journey on these email marketing metrics and help you understand which to focus on to help you become a master. So here we go.

1. Open Rate

Open rate is the basic, easiest, simplest indicator and email marketing metric. This metric simply notifies you as to how many recipients or subscribers opened your mail.

And FYI, if you are receiving a low percentage rate, the trick is to write an enticing subject line.

2. CTR – Click-Through Rate

The next thing you need to bother about is the CTR. CTR is one of the most basic ways of telling if your campaigns are performing per the number of clicks on the links on your email.

A trick would be to hyperlink more catchy phrases and place offers all over the email.

3. Bounce Rate

It is highly important to know which emails weren’t delivered. Always have it at the back of your mind that two things are always the causes of bounce rate; soft bounces which involves temporary issues with email addresses, and hard bounces which come with permanent issues with email addresses.

Also, a simple solution would be ensuring that your recipients or subscribers verify their email addresses with double opt-in.

4. Conversion Rate

A conversion rate is like a gossiper that measures the number of subscribers who carried out a specific task after clicking the link. This rate allows you to know how much you’ve used, the recipients converted, and it gives you an insight into your success rate.

5. Forwarding Rate

You always need to know the number of users you’ve shared your posts to. This rate tests more on loyalty and shows you who advocates or recommends more for your brand.

6. Email List Growth Rate

The numbers always matter. So always learn to monitor your progress and growth rate through your new subscribers and of course those who unsubscribe.

7. Engagement Rate

Over time and with experience, you’ll get to know what time is best for sending mails. Learning to understand when you get the most open and click rates is important, this would help you prioritize when to send your emails.

8. Overall ROI

Money and returns are the essences of email marketing. Every email marketer ought to know the overall return of the investment made from the campaign. So, always have this at the FRONT of your mind.

9. Unsubscribe Rate

Yes, as much as you get a lot of conversion rates, be rest assured, you’ll also get unsubscribe rates too. This email metric is usually found on your dashboard, and it is simple to use. It is always best to find out the reason for unsubscribes which could be a result of various factors, either personal or content related.

10. Spam Complaints

That’s right, you can’t always get it all good and rosy. This metric is highly important because if unchecked, actions could be taken against you if your spam rate gets too high. A tip: always improve on your quality and avoid sending pushy and same mails.

Final Piece

I know you are probably waiting for more but I promised 10, so there you have them. Constant practice always leads to mastery. An absolutely free email signature generator tool to boost your brand identity. Choose from hundreds of templates and customize them to your needs. These metrics are a guide and we hope we’ve been able to guide you a bit. Until next time, we remain here for you.

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