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SEO consultant: how an SEO expert is found and how much does it cost

SEO consultant

Have you created your website and need to improve its positioning on search engines?

Are you still in the planning stage, but want to lay the foundation for excellent SEO? (Great good idea). Surely you will need to contact a SEO consultant.

nd where do I find it? How Do I Select a Really Good SEO Consultant? I can trust? Who knows how much it costs … Besides, do I really need it?

The answer to all your questions in this article!

Where to find an SEO consultant

To find a SEO consultant that is truly qualified and satisfies you, first of all you have to decide whether to contact a professional or an agency.

What is the difference?

Professional: it costs less.

Agency SEO: team of experts who work together in different ways to improve your site.

And so: what are your needs?

Do you have a particularly complex site? Choose the agency.

Do you have a small site to grow and make more visible on the web? Talk to a freelancer.

Are you undecided or can’t rank your site?

Then you really need a customizable SEO consulting service.

And as it happens I have it right here!

What is Webproseo SEO Consultancy

I have a very precise method of working on SEO, first experimented on the site you are reading and also applied to all the other sites I have built.

And it is a method that has given me such good results that I decided to take a course as well.

Do you know our ALL SEO Course ?

If you prefer to become a great SEO expert yourself, I recommend that you take a look at it, because it is the most complete SEO course in Italy, with over 150 lessons, insights, dedicated Masterclass on Facebook and much more.

You do not care? Do you want to entrust everything to a consultant?

Then I’ll explain how our SEO Consulting service works.

First of all, know that I also apply my method to my clients’ sites.

But what does my SEO method consist of?

  1. I do a detailed analysis of all areas of SEO;
  2. I establish which are the most urgent interventions;
  3. I study a first estimate in order to obtain good results at the lowest possible cost;
  4. I evaluate with the client the further steps to be taken and together we establish the objectives to be achieved.

How to choose the right SEO consultant

Contact candidates explaining precisely what your project is, send them the URL of your site (if it already exists) and explain what goals you have set for yourself.

From their answers you can already understand which are the most reliable.

Do they respond by sending a quote too quickly? Maybe they haven’t studied the situation well.

Do they answer you after a week? Be careful, because your project is serious and you can’t afford to run after people who don’t reply to your emails.

Excluding these two categories of individuals, you will have several quotes left. How to choose?

Of course, it has to be detailed, because it has to show you that you know what are the points on which to intervene.

A good one SEO consultant, however, it informs you of all the necessary interventions without going into too much technical details.

See if medium to long-term actions are included, maintenance interventions at regular intervals, and if you will be provided with monthly reports.

And then you might find ones like:

“First place on Google in 3 months, guaranteed!”

Here, if this happens to you, ESCAPE! ?‍♂️

If anyone tries to fool you with these tales, delete them from the list right away.

It is not possible to obtain similar results or in any case not by means that do not hide pitfalls. And that means you could face serious penalties , and recovering at that point will be very difficult.

We have often helped clients who have found themselves faced with a collapse of positions after the work of some SEO “wizards” of this type.

It wasn’t easy or quick to scale the SERP from scratch again – or worse than zero (even if we did it in the end anyway)!

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about How SEO is applied in medical practices then visit our Business category.