Home Finance How To Understand Trading Charts? A Complete Guide About Trading Charts

How To Understand Trading Charts? A Complete Guide About Trading Charts


The information displayed on the trading chart can be used to determine when to enter and exit a position. There are many trading charts: Bar charts, line charts, point and figure charts, market profiles, and candlestick charts.

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Purpose of trading charts

Investment bankers and stockbrokers use trading charts to track company performance and make investment decisions. In addition to finance professionals, ordinary people also use stock charts. Some people read stock charts when they have investments in the stock market or when the stock market’s performance impacts the economy. 

There are specific markets where stocks are traded. There are two major exchanges where shares of public companies are traded: The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations Stock Market (NASDAQ).

TradingWolf lets you request any chart you want. The trading can be in stocks, cryptocurrencies, foreign exchange, indices, or commodities.  Using their indicators, you can easily identify patterns, fast money, and straightforward entry and exit points.

Best Ways to Understand Trading Charts

·       Chart identification:      

Look at the top of the charts to find a ticker symbol representing a company’s short alphabetic identifier. When looking for information about the company, it is important to have the correct symbol.

·       Choose a timeframe:

The chart can be viewed on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, depending on where you are. Analyzing different timescales will allow you to identify longer-term and shorter-term trends and check for consolidation. Check whether consolidations are above or below the price on any given day and remember the price.

·       Take note of the summary key:

In addition, you should also read the summary key, which gives you the key information from the chart in numerical form. In summary, you should be able to see the latest price, the price moving averages, and the volume traded.

·       Keep track of prices:

The chart has two sections, upper and smaller lower, which indicate prices. As the price of stock changes over time, the upper part shows the changes. If a stock closed up on a particular day, its price is often displayed in a different color, such as black. Alternatively, red may indicate the price at which the stock closed.

·       Take note of the volume traded:

You will find the traded volume at the bottom of the page. You can use color-coded bars to determine whether the market is undergoing a positive or negative trend. Because the color coding isn’t fixed, it requires careful attention. The color indicates how the closing price has changed from the previous day’s closing price.

Why is it beneficial to understand trading charts?

Investing in stocks without knowing how to read stock charts is like shooting in the dark. It is important to know how to read stock charts if you want to be successful in the stock market. The following are some of the benefits of understanding trading charts:

  • The key to picking winning stocks is to do so in due course.
  • It should be possible to purchase the people.
  • The ability to sell a stock at the right time.
  • Identify if the stock is in demand (being aggressively bought) or if it is being sold fast.
  • Observe how stock prices move-whether they tend to be volatile or steady or if they plateau at certain price points.


Learning how to read trading charts is beneficial for investors as it offers numerous useful skills for identifying opportunities in the stock market. However, you should still research all aspects of stocks before investing. Of course, success cannot be guaranteed.

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