Home Home Improvement How to Completely Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

How to Completely Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Completely Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs, troublesome little creatures they are. The thing about them is that they are so small it’s hard for you to notice. Well, not until you’ve been bitten of course. Bed bugs are creatures that reproduce rapidly. In a touch of irony they feed on humans, kind of nasty don’t you think? Luckily, we cover both what bed bugs are and what to do if you discover an infestation in your home.

So What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are insects that feed on blood, usually at nighttime. Bed bug bites usually result in skin rashes, redness, and blisters. Their sizes normally range between 1 to 7 millimeters. They are quite smaller compared to dice which tells us that spotting them with the naked eye is very hard.  They spread when a female adult bed bug, produces eggs that hatch ranging from 7-10 days. A well-fed female bed bug can produce 1-7 eggs per ten days.

By doing the math she can give about 100 – 500 eggs in her lifetime; that’s a lot of bugs to worry about.  The newly hatched eggs will become a nymph and after a month or less will become full adults. Additionally, bed bugs have been able to go without food for at least many months and even up to a full year. Being well nourished and sufficiently chilled is the ideal environment for a female bed bug to reproduce, making it the worst situation for you.

What to do when you have a bed bug problem?

One of the best things you could do is to call a bed bug exterminator. Professionals that offer quick and reliable solutions to your particular problem such as bed bug treatment in Owings Mill MD. Bed bug exterminators are well-versed in handling issues involving these vile little pests. However, there are steps you, a typical homeowner, may take to at least reduce their reproduction and infestation if you want to do it like Rambo and do it at home.

Here are some tips on treating bed bugs problem at home:

  • At the top of our list is Heat. Creatures such as bed bugs are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures of heat. Therefore, it would be sufficient to kill them to expose afflicted bedding or clothing to the sun. Even wash them at high temperatures up to 80 degrees Celsius or 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • A Fresh Mint Spray created with a sufficient amount of mint. Depending on how serious the infestation is, water, and then poured into a spray bottle might work as a substitute for commercial pesticides. This would make your problem go away and make your house smell like fresh mint. Well, how about that?
  • Another piece of advice is to vacuum the places where they are breeding. Sometimes a good house cleaning will do to make small infestations go away. Target the parts where bed bugs usually stay like pillows and mattresses. A simple vacuum would go a very long way.
  • Also, a good way to stop the appearance of bed bugs is to bathe yourself with lavender before going to bed. The smell of lavender makes these pests go away. The overall idea is to spend 15 to 30 minutes immersed in warm water with a few drops of lavender oil before going to bed.
  • You can also spot bed bug hives, molten skin, and dung indicating an infestation. As bed bugs grow from nymphs to full adults they molt their outer exoskeletons. Though they may vary in size, these appear to be molten skins with a honey gold hue. You may find them in mattress seams and tags, as well as in ceilings and walls. Now that you know where they often lurk—in carpets and unused clothing—you can start looking for ways to get rid of them.

A bed bug problem can cause a lot of headaches, a lot of money, and a lot of time. These tips could make a difference, especially to those homeowners on a tight budget. These could save you from taking money from your pockets.

               In conclusion, bed bugs and their infestation may be eliminated by using the right strategies and techniques. Both professional bed bug exterminators and DIY sprays may help you avoid obtaining bad sleep and waking up with bite-related rashes. The best strategies to entirely halt and eliminate the bed bug problem are those suggested in this article. This has been proven to be both effective and successful. Now that you are prepared for when the time comes, you may relax, rest, and sleep.