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How Influencer Managers Are Keeping Track of Their Clients


Influencer marketing is a fast-paced industry. Brands and agencies always consider new ways to stand out and reach their audience. Many companies have dedicated influencer management departments and invest in third-party management services. As an influencer manager, it is essential to keep track of your clients to provide them with the best possible service. There are so many components of an influencer campaign that it can be easy for things to go awry when juggling multiple tasks simultaneously.

Track Everything with Analytics Software

Analytics software will allow you to keep track of the performance of your entire campaign, including all social media accounts and click-through rates. An influencer marketing software will help you gain insight into how your campaigns perform and ultimately help you decide what to invest more time and energy into. Analytics software can also be used for other things, like checking how often your clients are tweeting.

Monitor their Website Traffic

In addition to tracking your clients’ social media traffic, you should also monitor their website traffic. No matter how successful your campaigns are, if you don’t know how many people are visiting your clients’ websites, you won’t be able to tell if those visitors are converting into leads and customers. Using a tool like Google Analytics can help track the number of visitors to your client’s websites and see if they’re growing or reducing. You can also track the pages that are getting the most traffic and see if there’s anything on those pages that you can change to help boost the traffic.

Conducting Regular Audits of Their Social Media Platforms

Audits of your client’s social media accounts should be done after every campaign so that you can determine if anything has changed since the campaign finished. Auditing your clients’ social media accounts also has the added benefit of helping you to stay up-to-date with the latest changes in social media. If your clients use Buffer, you can easily see when a new post is scheduled to go up on social media.

Email Marketing

For influencer managers, email marketing provides an invaluable tool for tracking the performance of your clients. You can see how each campaign performs by looking at metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate. These metrics can also be used to compare different clients’ performance and identify areas where improvement is needed.

Keeping an Eye on Their Client’s Competitors

As an influencer manager, it’s essential to keep an eye on your client’s competitors. This way, you can see what strategies are working for them and adapt them for your client. Additionally, by keeping track of their competition, you can identify any potential threats and take steps to mitigate them. Finally, monitoring their competition will help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your client remains the top choice in their industry. By visiting informed and proactive, you can give your client the best possible chance of success.

Social Media Monitoring

As an influencer manager, you can use social media monitoring to research new potential clients. By tracking keywords and hashtags, you can identify influencers who are talking about their brand or industry. This allows you to reach out to these influencers and start building relationships. Ultimately, social media monitoring will enable you to track your client’s online presence, identify negative sentiments, and research new potential clients.

Being an influencer manager requires staying on top of the latest changes and trends in the industry. This helps to ensure that your clients are successful. You need to understand what they are doing and how it fits into the more significant industry to help them achieve their goals. It also allows you to identify new opportunities for your clients. As the industry changes, new platforms and strategies emerge. By being up-to-date, you can ensure that your clients are in a position to take advantage of these new opportunities.

Campaign Tracking

As an influencer manager, it’s essential to keep track of your client’s campaigns to gauge their effectiveness. There are several techniques to do this, but one of the most effective is to use campaign tracking software. This software allows you to see how many people are exposed to each campaign, how often they interact with it, and what kind of response it generates. By tracking these metrics, you can clearly see which campaigns are working and which aren’t. This information can then be used to adjust your clients’ strategies accordingly.

Keeping track of your clients’ analytics as an influencer manager will help you know how well your client is doing in reach and engagement. Additionally, it can help you identify any potential issues that may be hurting your client’s performance. Make sure to track your client’s progress over time so that you can identify any trends or patterns.

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