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Ac services in Sports City / Fridge services in Gulf Village most experienced appliance repair service:

Ac services in Sports City

Everyone wishes to have maintained home and commercial appliances to avoid any inconvenience. When your appliance requires service, then delaying it can cause more serious issues. Ac services in Sports City / Fridge services in Gulf Village have the most professional and skilled electric appliance service team. They repair not only the damage but also clean ducts and other paths. Moreover, they replace the damaged or unrepairable parts if required. 

Ac services in Sports City Alghubaiba 

In hot summer weather, everyone wants to maintain their comfort level by installing and maintaining a perfect air conditioner. Here are a few issues discussed your AC could face, and they are handled by Ac services in Sports City well.

AC does not TURN ON

When you switch on your AC, you feel it does not turn on. It can be due to improper power supply, short circuit or loose wiring or maybe the problem is in the thermostat. 

 Thermostat glitches

If there is a problem with the thermostat of your air conditioner, it will not surely convey the message to AC to turn on. It may be due to incorrect calibration of thermostats. It is time to call a very professional AC service to handle such a problem.


When you are feeling improper cooling, for instance, you are observing your AC sometimes blowing warm and sometimes cool air. It means the flow of air is not proper from the ducts of the AC. It can be due to leakage from ducts. It will make your room warmer. It will also cause more consumption of electricity. Take notice of this problem and contact the AC technician immediately. 

DRAINAGE problem

As everyone knows the system of AC, there is a proper drainage line to remove moisture. It drains out in the form of water. If there is any blockage in the path of drainage of water, it will cause the flow back of the water to AC and will cause serious damage to the unit. In this situation, immediate service is required to prevent more problems.

Fridge services in Gulf Village by Alghubaiba 

No one wants to waste their food and other material due to a defective refrigerator. So any problem with the fridge should be resolved immediately. For that, Fridge services in Gulf Village are available any time. The most common issues this service can handle are below.

Most common issues faced by the Customers in the Market

Although different issues and problems are related to refrigerators and Ac, some are more considerable here.

Leakage of water 

Leakage of water from the fridge system is a common issue that is common in every home these days. Different reasons are there to handle leakage issues.

  • Clogged frozen water in the pipes
  • The drain may be blocked due to some reason

You need to check the pipes and drain system to find the exact problem. Resolve the issue by pouring warm water into the pipe to unfreeze the frozen clogged. Also, you can clean your freezer pipes by using the rubber valve, which is present on the backside of the fridge.

The refrigerator is not maintaining the temperature. 

Sometimes you may be facing the issue that your fridge is not cooling properly due to dirty condensers. You can fix this issue by cleaning the coil properly. This coil is present on the bottom side of fridges or refrigerators. Cut off the power supply before treating this issue. If you want to maintain your fridge, you need to do this process on a daily basis.

Bottom Line 

Get the most reliable Ac services in Sports City to repair your AC system without charging an extra amount. The technicians will come to your spot to diagnose the issue and provide an upgraded solution. On the other hand, Fridge services in Gulf Village are a reliable option offered by Alghubaiba company.

Apart from that if you want to know about Butina Boats Services in Abu Dhabi then please visit our Home Improvement category