Home Daily Bites 6 Important Things to Look for When Buying a House

6 Important Things to Look for When Buying a House


Buying a perfect house feels like a literal dream, a huge achievement, a new beginning, a feeling of change, and all things pleasant. However, there are various factors to consider when searching and deciding on the house you would like to spend the rest of your life in.

Since it involves investing a lot of your time and other resources, you must do a lot of research before landing on any decision. So, let’s take a look at the most important things to consider when buying a home.

1.      Location

Every individual has a certain wish list when deciding which house is the most ideal for them. For picky individuals, it’s even more challenging. However, the most undisputed debate is deciding on the location. The first step in house-hunting is the location.  Everyone has a different idea in mind when they are looking for the perfect area. You would want it to be where you can enjoy, and everything lies in your range.

In case you are a family with children, you would prefer living in an area where there are schools nearby, a park for the children to play in or to walk your dogs. On the other hand, a bachelor may want to reside in an area where there is easy access to bars, cafes, and their workplace. And so you would notice that new housing projects in Karachi pay emphasis on the locations with breath-taking views and places of convenience nearby as these things highly influence the purchasing decision of people. This is because you can change the interior of the house, the positioning of the furniture, or even the paint, but an entire house cannot be moved elsewhere if it doesn’t suit you.

2.      Price

The pricing point matters significantly for all individuals, some may regard it as less important if they earn a handsome income, while some may prioritize it at the top of the list because they have budget constraints. Though, in most cases, the pricing is a deal-making or breaking factor.

You should always consider something that is of value and fits well into your budget. Since buying a house is not an easy decision, and there are many overheads involved, looking at the cost you will incur and the value that you will be offered becomes very critical. If you love the place and can afford it, then go for it without a second thought.

3.      The size and style of the home

When searching for the perfect home, the size and style of the house should be kept in mind as well. This decision is largely impacted by the number of people in your family or if you’re looking to expand. A typical family of four may want an average-sized house with three rooms, an open kitchen, a small garden, and a lounge to relax in, with some open space for children to run around. Subsequently, a newly-wed couple may want a smaller house with one room, a large dining hall, and a basement to entertain their friends and family.

Preferences vary in each household, therefore, it is imperative that you carefully consider your short-term and long-term needs before deciding on the size of your house. The style of the house is an altering aspect, and you can bring down an extra wall, add some windows, or expand your garden, but remember that these renovations do not come cheap.

4.      The neighborhood

Living in a friendly neighborhood gives a sense of belonging and feeling like a part of a community, so when you’re looking for a house, try to gather some knowledge about what the neighborhood is like. Do people go on morning runs like you? Are there more office workers leaving their homes at 9 am? If you find yourself having a similar lifestyle and mutual interests like your neighbors, you can fit in the area well.

You might be wondering how to know if the neighborhood is good for you? Simply take a walk around the area, if you find any residents, ask them questions, and do an Internet search on crime rates in that part of town, and you may find yourself more clear on this aspect. 

5.      The number of rooms

Who doesn’t love a spacious house? And if you like to entertain guests and love having your family and friends over, you should definitely see the number of rooms that come with the houses you’re viewing.

You might have an idea of how many rooms you would ideally want. If you have children, you should know if they will be sharing bedrooms or want separate ones to accommodate their different study and bedtime routines. If the idea of a home office or a gym intrigues you, getting a house with an extra room might interest you. So analyze your preferences and opt for the perfect place with the right number of divisions.

6.      The heart of the house, the kitchen.

This is one of the most important elements of the house, typically for females. You need to see if the kitchen is according to your liking, if it is spacious to cook with your partner or friends on an occasion, and whether you require more counter space and plenty of storage. Usually, guests also come to hang out in the kitchen, and it becomes the pivot of activity and conversation. However, each family has different ideas about wanting a kitchen. If you’re more of a take-out type of individual who cooks rarely, a kitchen may just be something that comes with a house and is rather unimportant.

Get onto the route to find your perfect house

It is best that you make a list of preferences of what matters more to you, because some factors can be deal-breakers whereas others can be the most fitting. Priorities should be set clear in mind, and you can even give thought to making a checklist and see which one fits in all your desired boxes.

Since a lot of time and effort goes into looking for an impeccable house, so involving your friends and family members in the house-hunting process can make this an incredible experience. So start your house-exploring expedition right away!

Apart from this if you are interested to know about Houses for sale then visit our BUSINESS category.