Home Fashion How To Remove Rust Stains From Clothing? Methods for Removing Rust Stains

How To Remove Rust Stains From Clothing? Methods for Removing Rust Stains

How To Remove Rust Stains From Clothing


Smell of iron, rusty brown color stains on your clothes, towels and clothes can be removed by some processes. Rust occurs due to the oxidation of the metal surface in the presence of humid atmosphere or water (rain). It can also occur when mixed with moist salt products for example sweat.

There are several ways to remove rust stains at home with common ingredients that you most likely already have at home. The most efficient products used for removing rust stains are vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda.

Different methods to clean the clothes

You can easily remove stubborn rust spots without scrubbing them hard if you do not want to wear out your garment’s fibers because it should be gentle cleaning methods could provide better results as well as long life garments too. Here are the best ways to remove rust stains from clothing, towels and clothes at home without scrubbing them hard.

1. Use of vinegar

Vinegar is one of nature’s top rust stain removers so if you want to know how to remove rust stains from clothing- soak in white vinegar overnight. Pour a small amount of white vinegar (one of nature’s top rust stain removers) onto the stain and spread it evenly over the surface. Let it sit for a few minutes before blotting with clean cloth or paper towel. Repeat if needed or just wash your garment as you normally do when removing any other type of stain.

2. Use of lemon juice

Lemon juice can also act as an efficient way on how to remove rust stains which will only give your garments new colors if the rust stains are covered in a light colored garment. It works by breaking down the bonds that hold iron oxide molecules together which will dissolve and loosen them from your clothes fibers, so lift stains with an absorbent material afterwards then wash as you normally do.

3. Use of baking soda

If you have baking soda at home, prepare a thick paste of it and apply it to the stained area before putting your apparel inside a washing machine for regular laundering or hand washing. If you have stainless steel appliances in your kitchen scrub them with salt water if they get rusty because salt is one of efficient ways on how to remove rust stains too (do not forget that natural remedies like this one should be used after removing rust spots especially when dealing with delicate fabrics). A paste of baking soda and salt is a natural way on how to remove rust stains from garments which will not dry your clothes fibers if you do not scrub them hard. Spread a thick layer of a baking soda and salt paste onto the stained area before putting it into a washing machine for regular laundering or hand washing as we have already mentioned above in previous paragraph.

4. Use of toothpaste

Toothpaste is another exceptional way on how to remove rust stains because it has special chemical components like hydrogen peroxide (C₂H₅O₂) which can help break down oxidation that causes rust spots. First, soak up as much of the stain as possible with an absorbent material like paper towels or clean white cloth. Then spread some non-gel toothpaste over the stained area and leave it for about 15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water and laundry detergent; or simply put your apparel inside a washing machine.

5. Use of baby oil     

Use baby oil for removing those stubborn rust spots from clothing, towels and clothes because it acts as an efficient way on how to remove rust stains especially when combined with other ingredients such as white vinegar (repeat the procedure if necessary). Apply two layers of baby oil onto the stained area then pour equal parts of white vinegar over it before letting sit overnight. Next day rinse the garment under a cool running tap then wash your apparel as you normally do when removing any other type of stain.

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Reasons why rust stain appears?

There are two main reasons why rust stains appear on clothing, towels and clothes at home metal objects come into contact with the fabric which is one of insightful ways on how to remove rust from garments or humidity can contribute to this kind of problem too. In both cases, avoid scrubbing the stained area if you want to wear it for a longer time because it will cause fibers to wear out faster without proper pre-treatments!

Using these methods rust stains from clothing will provide better results especially if they are gentle cleaning methods that would not damage fibers easily. Do not forget that vinegar is one of nature’s top rust stain removers which will only discolor fibers if they are made from stainless steel or iron tools come into contact with your apparel. Keep in mind that natural remedies like this one should be used after removing rust spots especially when dealing with delicate fabrics.

Use of toothbrush

If you have an old toothbrush at home, spread baking soda paste over the stained area and leave for about 15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water and laundry detergent; or simply put your apparel inside a washing machine (repeat the procedure if necessary). You should consider using baby oil because it has special chemical components like hydrogen peroxide (C₂H₅O₂) which can help break down oxidation that causes rust spots. So there are two main reasons why rust stains appear on clothing, towels and clothes at home – metal objects come into contact with the fabric or humidity can contribute to this kind of problem too.


Using baking soda paste over the stained area and leave it for about 15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water and laundry detergent; or simply put your apparel inside a washing machine (repeat the procedure if necessary). You should consider using baby oil because it has special chemical components like hydrogen peroxide (C₂H₅O₂) which can help break down oxidation that causes rust spots.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can we remove the rust stain from all type of fabric?

You can remove the rust stain almost from every fabric. But some fabrics are so sensitive and they become faded after the removal of stain.

  • How often do we repeat the process?

In some fabrics rust stain removed easily so, it is not necessary to repeat the process. But in some cases when stain is hard then repeat your process unless the stain is gone.

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