Home Health How Effective Is Physiotherapy in Treating MVA-Induced TMJ Disorders?

How Effective Is Physiotherapy in Treating MVA-Induced TMJ Disorders?


Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can be a debilitating aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, causing pain and dysfunction in the jaw that affects eating, speaking, and even breathing. Those suffering from these symptoms can access specialized treatment options through motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Grande Prairie

This targeted approach, known as TMJ physiotherapy, offers a non-invasive solution that addresses the root causes of TMJ disorders resulting from accidents. Physiotherapists in Grande Prairie utilize a range of techniques to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent long-term complications associated with TMJ disorders, making MVA physiotherapy a vital component in the recovery process for many individuals affected by these challenging conditions.

Manual Therapy

Jaw Mobilization

The main goals are to alleviate pain, reduce stiffness in the jaw joint, and enhance the overall mobility of the jaw, making daily activities such as chewing and speaking less painful and more efficient.

Technique: Skilled physiotherapists perform gentle, hands-on manipulations directly on the jaw to mobilize the temporomandibular joint. The movements are targeted and controlled, involving gently pushing, pulling, or rotating the jaw to improve its range of motion.

Soft Tissue Manipulation

To relieve persistent muscle tension, decrease pain, and enhance circulation in the areas around the jaw. This approach accelerates recovery by enhancing the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the damaged or stressed tissues.

Technique: This includes myofascial release, where sustained pressure is applied to the myofascial connective tissue constraints. The methods concentrate on relaxing tense muscles, enhancing blood and lymph circulation, and activating the stretch reflex in muscles located around the jaw and neck.

Pain Management Techniques

Cold and Heat Therapy

Cold Therapy (Cryotherapy)

During acute phases of TMJ disorders, when inflammation and swelling are most pronounced, cold packs or ice packs are recommended. The cold application works to narrow blood vessels, decreasing blood circulation to the affected area, which can significantly decrease swelling and numb the pain.

Application: Ice packs wrapped in a towel are applied to the jaw area for about 15-20 minutes every hour, avoiding direct contact with the skin to prevent frostbite.

Heat Therapy

In chronic phases, when the initial swelling has subsided, heat therapy is employed to relax and loosen tight muscles and improve circulation. Increased blood flow delivers necessary nutrients and oxygen that aid in the healing process and help to flush out waste byproducts.

Application: Warm compresses or heating pads are applied to the jaw for 15-20 minutes. It’s important to use a cover to prevent burns and to check the skin frequently for any signs of overheating.

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation blocks pain signals from reaching the brain, thereby reducing pain perception. Additionally, the electrical impulses stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which help to alleviate pain further. This technique is beneficial for managing chronic pain that may accompany long-term TMJ disorders.

Technique: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)entails employing a compact, battery-powered device that emits low-voltage electrical impulses through electrodes attached to the skin close to the pain area. The gentle electrical currents the TENS unit produces interfere with the normal pain signals sent to the brain.

Application: Electrodes are strategically placed on the skin around the jaw, and settings are adjusted to control intensity and frequency based on the patient’s comfort level and therapeutic needs. Treatment sessions can last from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the specific treatment goals.

Therapeutic Exercises for TMJ Disorders

Strengthening and Stretching Exercises

These exercises strengthen the muscles that stabilize the jaw, enhancing their ability to support the joint, reducing the burden on the TMJ during movements, and increasing the joint’s flexibility and range of motion.

  • Controlled Jaw Opening Exercises: Patients are instructed to open and close their mouths slowly using a controlled motion. Fingers can be used to resist movement and add a gentle strengthening component.
  • Lateral Jaw Movements: Patients move their jaw from side to side without opening the mouth wide. This helps strengthen the muscles that control lateral jaw movements.
  • Gentle Stretching Exercises: Techniques such as slowly stretching the jaw forward and then holding the position can increase the flexibility and mobility of the jaw muscles and joints.

Posture Correction Exercises

To improve overall posture, thereby alleviating unnecessary strain on the TMJ. Better posture helps distribute stress more evenly across the musculoskeletal system, reducing the load on any joint, including the TMJ.

  • Neck and Shoulder Strengthening: Exercises like shoulder shrugs and neck stretches that strengthen the muscles around the neck and upper back. This can also involve using resistance bands or light weights to perform exercises that target these areas.
  • Upper Back Strengthening: Activities designed to reinforce the upper back, such as rowing motions or pulling exercises, which can be performed with bands or on gym machines.
  • Spine Alignment Practices: Involves training in spinal alignment through exercises that promote a straight posture, which can often involve balancing exercises or Pilates-based movements to enhance core strength and stability.

Motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Grande Prairie is a highly effective treatment for managing MVA-induced TMJ disorders.

Addressing TMJ Disorders

The role of physiotherapy in treating TMJ disorders caused by motor vehicle accidents has proven highly effective. At Junction Point Physical Therapy in Grande Prairie, specialized treatments designed for car accident physiotherapy focus on alleviating the symptoms associated with TMJ disorders. These targeted therapies help reduce pain and discomfort, restore function, and improve life’s quality.

For individuals experiencing TMJ issues following an accident, the expert team at Junction Point Physical Therapy provides compassionate and comprehensive care. If you are looking for effective treatment options, consider reaching out to our clinic for motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Grande Prairie to begin your journey toward recovery.